Friday, December 10, 2010


After a gloomy post last time around I have decided to put some fundes on the positives of life. As some one said long back, "necessity is the mother of all inventions", we can rephrase that "inspiration is the mother of our well being". Homo sapiens are inherently good and lazy. Most need something to fire their asses. To be young at heart is nothing but have an undeterred enthusiasm to chase one's dream. As a future engineer its in my nature to see if anything can be implemented practically. Taking a general case of following the traffic rules - People mostly follow traffic rules so that they need:
1) Not pay fine.
2) Not cause havoc on the road.
3) Not be a nuisance to the commuters(I hope a few people can come under this bracket)
4) Last but not least, not die a painful death or worse suffer a excruciating handicap.

So for most of the people one of the 4 above listed "reasons" actually inspire them to follow the traffic rules. There many a times when this inspiration abandons a person making his life redundant. Mind people spend hours and hours with a therapist just to get this inspiration back. So it is my belief that if something really inspires you, makes your heart skip its beat, the sky is the limit for us.

Every one of wants to different. Being the center of attraction actually inspires us to make sure that, people notice that we different. This is a very simple yet convenient way of looking things around us. When you feel that some one is a show off and actually irritates it means we are actually inspired by him/her and in a way jealous that we are not in his/her shoes.

So the gist of the things that I want to say is that we all are capable of finding inspiration from miniscual of things and use it as a stepping stone for mental satisfaction (success!!).

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