Saturday, December 25, 2010


Days are flying around,
Smitten by change and roasted by everything new,
The desire to get back to the tried and tested,
Overshadows what I want to do,
What do I do my god what do I do!
The desire that burnt in me requires a re-ignition,
I know its my day to live,
Oh life is changing so fast,
But why do I want the warmth of the past,
The stoic stable person in me is becoming volatile,
More I see the mirror more I feel the scars of change,
My heart skips the beat,
Gazing into the nothingness for hours together,
Fear clouding my heart, Fear of failure,
Failure to make tomorrow as cherubic as yesterday,
My brain says its wrong, but my heart has turned deaf,
Alas when I think everything is lost,
The capers of the past is so blur,
But behold its a rebirth and not a new birth,
All is not lost as ambers of the past is always young in a happy heart,
The past is the inspiration to make the present merrier,
Fear when frustrated is the ultimate victory,
To fear is human and to make fear, fear is godly,
Clouded by fear, we make tomorrows’ past gloomy,
Losing the war is losing the smile,
Drowned in happiness, we live our day to the fullest
After all it was a change that made the past beautiful.


Harsha_colossus said...

loved it, esp because anyone who reads this will connect to this.....

Dutchaa aka Sriram said...

actually I wrote it on a gloomy Christmas eve pretty much depressed all alone after spending couple of days disconnected from the world wide web. :P An emotional poem for me as my grad life can be divided into 2 distinct phases, life before and after writing this poem.... So w/o doubt this is my personal favorite!! You are one of the first persons to recognize this work :)