Friday, July 9, 2010

The writer's block

The other day I was reading a few pages from the Oscar wild Classic "The picture of dorian Gray". After reading just a couple of pages I realized my language was nothing compared to his. His mastery of the English language is simply unbelievable. I sighed, I should have read this before my GRE EXAM!!!! The inferiority complex sunk in after reading this classic. Add to that I got a realistic criticism after my last post.(negative ofcourse!) So I was seriously wondering whether I should write more and bore others. I was teemed with a plethora of nonsense to write about rather once again crib about. Every time I took a topic I was not sure if I could do justice to the topic I choose. Being pretty much pragmatic, I wanted to dig deep and assess myself and find out what had gone berserk and brought inside me a fear that suddenly I had no teeth to face. I have had something faithful readers of my blog, mostly thrust upon by me. So a question started lingering - SHOULD I WRITE AND ASK OTHERS READ? Thats when I realised I have just had a writer's block!! What the heck, break the block by writing about the block.

Everyone is a coward from inside. The fear of death is something we all have and fight to polish off. We look up to idols like Mandela, Eastwood to push ourselves and keep fighting till the very end. The brave are those who can rush aside the fear and chase their dreams.Writer's block is something not so dissimilar. It basically arises because we compare ourselves to some great legend and think that we are no match to him or some other petty reason that will make us look creatively impotent. There can never be dearth of ideas. Our mind is the most picturesque of locations you can ever visit. The thought that someone reading our writing and criticizing/ not liking can tarnish our thought process to the extent that we in a moment travel from Kashmir to the Thar desert.

In fact, don’t be hard on yourself at all while writing. Anna Quindlin wrote, “People have writer’s block not because they can’t write, but because they despair of writing eloquently.” Turn the critical brain off. We have many clichéd movies that are made in our country that are arise from a single line story and are decorated to the extent that we have 3 wonderful hours. Other reason could be our lack of expertise in the language. It is believed that limited vocabulary acts as a very big impediment in effectively communicating our thoughts. But again we should realise that we should have our limitations but also our strengths.Look at what you’re writing and why. Are you writing what you love, or what you think you should be writing? The writing that feels most like play will end up delighting you the most, and this is the writing your readers will instinctively connect with. At the end of the day, writing is too hard to do it for any other reason. If you continue to touch base with the joy you first felt in writing, it will sustain you, not only through your current block, but through whatever the future holds.

How do you overcome this fear? Simply by writing more and reading more. There is never a better medicine. You can play with the language and write poems. If you are not able to, you can just join a subject and predicate and finish a sentence. As simple as that. Always compare with yourself only. Every time you write, you must have a satisfaction that you have evolved and you are now able to connect with those who read in a better way. Surely there will be someone who can connect with what you are trying to say. Writing is a way of expressing yourself, waking up a trait in you that already exits and is dormant. Not necessarily everybody is comfortable with writing. They have different ways of expressing themselves. Obviously writers' block comes only for people who like to write :P.

Writing helps you share your small joys and sorrows with many, some of whom we might never meet in person. We always have a part of ourselves in what we write. With the advent of the modern technology and advances in communication the concept of 'pen-pal' has become obsolete. But we have a 'blog-pal' or a 'email-pal'. We should also change with time. After all at the end of the day we should just enjoy what we are doing and if we enjoy and really like writing nothing should stop us. Writer's lock is one of many manifestations of our fear of failure. But if you get one, dont worry. because when you over come it, you will experience the purest form of a feelong called "Happiness".

1 comment:

sharika nair said...

very true!
evry writer experiences such feelings at some point of time.
personally i feel if you write from your heart without bothering about the outcome you'll pen down the most beautiful articles and poems.You shouldn't refrain from conveying your feelings .let it flow far and wide....