Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Sitting next to a black hole of meaningfulness,
with the sunflower waiting for the laboured sun,
Out of its hiding from the midnight fun,

The opaque screen diminishing the brightness,
Gloom of the darkness never messing with the cheerfulness,
A threat of deluge from heavens above,

Still the effort without chagrin,
To sway in the direction of the miraged attraction,
No Knowledge of the extinguished flames of fire,

And the chance to reach the pinnacle flushed,
But not the hope to bloom,
Gently smiling at this contemplating beholder,

Quizzing on how things have panned out!
The gleeful words My life is no shit,
Ringing all over with his hands holding a banana split!!!!


rohit said...

ending could have been better..words like shit etc disturbed the nice tempo..

Dutchaa aka Sriram said...

Wat to do :P No other word could bring out the same effect !!! MOre than words its the emotion thats necessary!!!

Balkrishnanitt said...


Thats a binary file when read in a text editor ... Ur poems are getting this complicated .